7 Benefits Your Business Can Get If You Outsource Your Nvivo Translation

7 Benefits Your Business Can Get If You Outsource Your Nvivo Translation

Video and audio transcription is a task that is commonly associated with humans, as they are precise. Despite their effectiveness, humans tend to be slow at times due to exhaustion, which will have a tremendous negative impact on their accuracy.

Avoid all this by using the NVivo transcription services, as the software can do the work and assures 90 percent accuracy. The software does many things aside from the usual video and audio transcription.

NVivo supports over 28 languages making it a reliable universal software. Below are some of the benefits you will enjoy upon outsourcing NVivo translation.

Analyzes data in an orderly and easy manner

It doesn’t matter the approach you take, as every method step is essential in enhancing comprehensive qualitative analysis development. That’s is why it is elementary to track and go over the transcripts while transferring data using NVivo for different purposes. There is so much to come when you frequently use it as you will gain to master coding in NVivo transcriptions; with time, you will be in a pool full of its benefits.

Stores all the research work in one database

The research that your business engages in is crucial, and you can’t afford any single data loss. As you are aware, research entails a lot of work; therefore, you will need a tool that will aid you in putting all your thing in an orderly manner to avoid any loss and interference of your data.

Embracing the NVivo program, there will be no carelessness cases on your data. Every graph, data, table, image, and many others are directed into a single database for immediate access to the critical data once required. Additionally, your business can use it as an alternative method of backing up all files for future reference.

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Has no limits on analyzation of qualitative data

NVivo is a particular type of program unlike others, with some limitations on the data format; it entirely supports them. To mention a few,

• websites

• images

• audio

• word documents

• offline and online videos

• data tables

social media

• portable docs format, and many others.

The compatibility allows you to draw and explore information from some known semi-structured tools for obtaining data. Here are some of the semi-structured tools, Evernote, word docs, excel spreadsheets, SPSS, etc.

Fast turnaround of time-bound data

At times, your business might be conducting research to extract, analyze, and release the obtained results quickly for a particular purpose. It will be easy only if you use the NVivo project, as it has a friendly user interface, flexible data format support, work automation. These attributes make NVivo the best alternative for your quick turnaround time-bound data.

Privacy and security are enhanced.

Today, cybercrime tends to be among the greatest threats to many businesses; these criminals steal your data and use it based on their interests. Therefore, when looking for transcription services, you need to be careful. With NVivo, your data is safe as they safeguard by encrypting the databases.

The software restricts the number of people who can view your information, as only the one who is the account holder can view the data. NVivo translation services operate under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability rules. It highlights data privacy and protection, forcing the software developer to comply with all the standards set.

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Affordable alternative to analyzing data

NVivo transcription services automate every task; this gives you a humble time in the office. You can now examine and benefit from the data you extracted. Reduces project-related spending as you will not have the entire team to do the job; the software can handle all that on its own. You don’t need to outsource social media data extraction to a paid professional; allow the software to do it all.

Shapes you into the best researcher

All the benefits mentioned above will lead to better research only if correctly used. With the assistance of the software, you go through the analysis and translation stages. With just a few adjustments, you will be capable of getting data from different platforms.


Depending on your business project, you can decide whether to use the software or human transcription. NVivo transcription is the best software that saves your money and time by handling multiple tasks.

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