Fibreglass Pools: Benefits and Care Tips
Life Style

Fibreglass Pools: Benefits and Care Tips

One will rarely find a house in Australia without a backyard. Especially in Sydney, backyards, patios, and other outdoor home spaces are a common sight. In such cases, a swimming pool can be the best addition to any outdoor space, adding value to your property. Not just that, swimming is an excellent recreational and healthy sport. However, if this is your first residential pool, the versatile choices may seem perplexing. And with swimming pools, you have numerous options, from fibreglass to concrete pools. Meanwhile, fibreglass pools in Sydney are becoming desirably popular among those looking for pools that are quick to install and have minimal upfront costs.

Fibreglass Pools: Benefits and Care Tips

An Introduction to Fibreglass Pools

A fibreglass pool differs from a regular swimming pool as it is made out of a fibreglass shell. This shell comes immersed in gel coats for protection, and it is non-porous and waterproof. The prime feature of a fibreglass pool is that these pools are single-piece and have no liners like vinyl pools or concrete pools. Moreover, they come in versatile sizes and shapes, from rectangle to oval, to suit all your needs.

Pros of a Fibreglass Pool

According to the 2016 census, there are more than 1,855,734 private dwellings in Sydney. And as fibreglass pools in Sydney come in custom sizes, they are a go-to choice as they can fit into all private houses irrespective of the space one owns. So, if you are considering installing a pool on your residence, here are four reasons why fibreglass is the best choice:

  • Of Course, Easy Installation!
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As already mentioned, fibreglass pools are the easiest to install. Unlike concrete pools that require layering concrete, fibreglass pools get fixed as a single piece and demand less than a week for installation. Another major reason why fibreglass pools are easy to install is that they are unaffected by external factors. For instance, pools that require liners require an optimal temperature during installation. And if the temperature is not optimal, the fixation can take time. However, with fibreglass pools, no rain or the sun can interfere during the installation process.

  • They Are Easily the Most Durable Option

If you are looking for a lasting pool option, fibreglass pools must top your wishlist. It’s because their shell structure and the gel coat offer robust functionality and are less prone to damages while compared to vinyl or concrete pools. Moreover, the fact that they are free of liners makes them less susceptible to liner breakdowns. Also, the non-porous gel coat prevents moisture from harboring the pool surface and keeps algae and other pathogens away. On the bottom line, fibreglass pools require minimal maintenance and can last easily for more than thirty years.

  • Lower Maintenance Expenses

The cost of living for a family of four costs around 5,206.13A$ in Sydney, says a recent estimate. And, though installing a swimming pool is an investment you make to increase your property value, you will be stuck in a maintenance loop. But with a fibreglass pool, not only will you save on tedious installation costs but also maintenance expenses. So no more liner replacements, resurfacing, or layering costs!


How to Care for a Fibreglass Pool

Though fibreglass pools require minimal maintenance, some DIY care tips can help your pool last longer than usual. So, here are some:

  • Always ensure that the chemical you use on your pool is safe on fibreglass. So, check the compatibility and never use harsh brushes for cleaning the pool ground.
  • Remember to run your pool filter regularly, at least for six hours a day. Further, ensure that the water level is always above the skimmer.
  • If you find dirt or debris sinking into the bottom, always use a fine bristled nylon brush to clean it. Alternatively, you can also use a skimming net to remove leaf debris.

Alison Lurie
Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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